If the pandemic has taught us anything it is that we need to learn how to adapt to today’s changing world. Old ways of marketing or existing as a business have changed and the landscape looks much different than it did in the past. Nowadays, there are many ways for your business to be online, but one of the most important things, after a good website, is an active social media presence.

Why would social media matter to my business?
Even if you’re not “tech-savvy”, having a good presence on social media is essential for the success of your company. With so many people engaging on social media platforms daily, it is important to get your voice out there.
Especially after so many companies have closed as a result of the pandemic, customers are wary about doing business with a small company that doesn’t seem like it's “open”. In the same way that a website makes your company look legitimate online, regular posts and engagement on social media show that your company is still “around”. Usually, a quick google search will bring someone to your social media accounts, and nothing looks bleaker than an empty page, or a page with no recent updates. However, an active social media presence shows that your company is still open and doing business. This is the first step to inspiring confidence in a potential customer. Remember that many potential customers will interact with your business on a social media platform before they ever make a purchase.
Social media posts can also help people find your company. While the jury is still out on exactly how effective online advertising is, it is clear that it makes a big difference in brand recognition and goodwill toward a company. A good social media post can turn out to be a free advertisement as things are shared and spread throughout the internet.

What do I need to do?
The easiest first step towards having an active social media presence is simply to make posts online. You can use one post over multiple platforms, or create a new post for each platform. The number of posts you need in a given time period will largely depend on two factors- the platform you’re using and the type of business you have. A small coffee shop may do well to have two to three posts per week on a visual platform like Instagram where they can show off their weekly bakery offerings or drink special, while a freelance photographer may do well with a few photo dumps a month on Facebook showing off their latest sessions.
In addition to posts, it is important to engage with people online. If your post is getting a lot of comments, but you’re not liking or replying to them, customers may feel they have been “snubbed” by your company. Most people don’t expect an answer right away, but especially with a customer question, or with an angry customer, the quicker the response is, the better. It shows that you care about your customers’ concerns and helps people to see how you value customers.
Small business owners have a lot to think about, and sometimes social media can be of last concern. Being active online is important to show customers that your business is open and active, and a way for customers to feel valued by your company. At TwinRose Services, we offer services to help you get started online. Whether you just need help figuring out what to post, or you need posts to be created on your behalf, we’re here to help. Contact us today to get an assessment on what your company can do better online, or for support on how to do it well.